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Li/Na/Zn/Mg Ion Batteries

Electrochemical energy storage devices such as Li ion batteries, Na ion batteries, Zn ion batteries, and Mg ion batteries have been widely studied due to their applications such as portable electronics and electric vehicles. Our group is focusing on synthesizing advanced electrode and solid electrolyte materials to satisfy the demands of energy storage devices with high energy density, high power density, high safety, and long cycling life.


Supercapacitors (SCs), also known as electrochemical capacitors, are one of the promising energy storage devices due to their high power density and long cycle life. Based on their advantages, SCs can be utilized in portable electronics,  transportation,  load leveling, and memory backup. In our group, we synthesized various nano-sized carbon and metal oxide/hydroxide materials as electrode for high performace SCs. We also develop hybrid energy storage devices which combine battery-type electrode and supercapacitor-type electrode to achieve both high-energy and high-power  densities.
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Microbial Fuel Cells

Microbial fuel cell (MFC) is a promising sustainable technology that can directly transform chemical energy into bioelectricity. The applications of MFCs in wastewater treatment, hydrogen production, and small electronic devices have drawn widespread attention. In an MFC, active micro-organisms in the anode compartment oxidize organic substrates and produce electrons. Oxygen is then reduced into water by electrons and protons at the cathode. Therefore, the electron transfer abilities of the electrodes significantly affect the power output. In CEM lab, we synthesize several renewable carbon materials as electrodes  for  sustainable  energy  applications  as well  as  the development of a green and circular economy.
Plant microbial fuel cell (PMFC), an emerging technology derived from microbial fuel cells, utilizing plants as fuel source by excreting organic matters to microbes that inhabit in rhizosphere to generate electricity. Without producing any harmful byproducts during the energy generation process, PMFC is a promising choice as a renewable power supply technique. We also synthesize several renewable carbon materials as electrodes for PMFCs to achieve sustainable power generation systems.
Plant Microbial Fuel Cells (PMFCs)
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In situ/Operando Techniques

To investigate the charge storage mechanism of the energy storage devices, our group is focusing on exploring various in-situ/operando techniques, such as XRD, XAS, TXM, TEM, and Raman Spectroscopy. Most of the in-situ/operando experiments are conducted at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC) in Taiwan.

Tel. +886 35715131 #33849 | PI office: Delta building T437 |  Student office: Materials Science Building 438, 440
101, Section 2 Kuang Fu Road, Hsinchu,Taiwan 30013 | Department of Materials Science  and Engineering | National Tsing Hua University

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